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From the 7th - 10th of April 2016 the kitezone at St Pierre-la-Mer, France will organize the 12th edition of the European Junior Kitesurfing Cup (EJKC).

Young kitesurfers from all over europe will show off their best tricks to a internatinal team of judges.

Like in former years the event spots young talents and future champions; we have had the honour to see hotshots like Gisela Poulido and Youri Zoon when they had only just started kitesurfing and were still wet behind the ears. Want to sponsor this event? please contact us.


Wingsurf - 1hr 30 - €75

Foil - 40min - 60

Wingfoil - 1hr - €150

All kitesurfing courses are given in English (or French)
by IKO (International Kiteboarding Organisation) and French FFVoile (Fédération Française de Voile) qualified instructors.
We use the latest equipment from Eleveight to make learning to kitesurf a breeze.   
ffiko logo airush ffvoile logo e3c6c6ee 0562 4f5a 944d 8a3656d0aa30